Raunak Raj
4 min readJul 6, 2021

Several strange underwater discoveries are made all across the globe, which can take you by surprise. Further, the investigation will open up an overabundance of knowledge that these new underwater discoveries will provide. Usually, this demands laborious efforts from humans and the use of hi-tech techniques for the survey. The excavation of the underwater civilization discoveries has its problems. For example, it is painstaking when the waters are muddy after the storms reducing its visibility for the underwater researchers to investigate appropriately. The article below will elicit the various new and recent underwater discoveries that took place in the world.


The 5.4 meters tall statue of the god Hapy.

Thonis-Heracleion was discovered on Abu Qir Bay which is 15 miles northeast of Alexandria (Egypt). Thonis( Egyptian name) and Heracleoin(Greek 9name) were considered separate conurbations until an RAF commander reported a sighting at the same site, which became amazing underwater inventions. The discovery of the Decree of Sais, carved with hieroglyphics, further confirmed these sightings.

This stele reveals that Thonis (Egyptian) and Heracleion (Greek) were the same city.

Various artifacts of immense historical or artistic importance have been unearthed from the Mediterranean, including statues of Happy (god of fertility), a Ptolemic king and queen (5metres in height), temple ruins, precious jewelry, ritual pails, goblets, busts, etc. European Institute for Underwater Archeology has sketched out the topography of the region.


America’s mysterious Stonehenge has been discovered in Michigan lake. The first Stonehenge was found in South-Western England, which dates 5000 years ago. They are a megalithic structure. Each stone weighs 50 tons, and its placement follows a circular pattern that confirms that they are artificial. Similarly, the Stonehenge found in lake Michigan forms a particular geometric shape. Locals believe that their existence owes to a sacred purpose.

A boulder with a prehistoric carving of a mastodon

It is said that the Stonehenge there was not underwater 10,000 years ago. The later period saw a rise in the water levels. Previously the area was inhabited by people near the coastline. There was also an accessible mode of transportation.

A series of stones arranged in a Stonehenge

Stonehenge, when seen through 3D Photogrammetry, forms a 3D model of any 2D shapes that exist. After analysis, it is found that Stonehenge consists of the body of a mastodon. Mastodons were ancient animals that appeared like elephants. Their existence is verified through the discovery of their bones used as tools by early men. The mysterious pattern of rocks also looks similar to a structure in Lake Huron, which carries the same configuration. These Stonehenge are believed to have been hunting grounds by early men. A linear pattern of rocks followed by a circular one found in Northern Canada, also known as drive lands, retells this fact.


An underwater canyon is a deep fissure on the continental shelves that form due to sediment transportation. The transportation of sediment occurs due to underwater landslides caused due to a turbulent water storm or earthquake. The depth of the submarine canyons depends on the structure of the underlying rock, its susceptibility to being carved, the quantity, and the rate at which the sediment transfers during underwater landslides. Zhemchug Canyon is the most profound and largest submarine canyon found in the middle of the Bering Sea. It exceeds the depth of the Grand Canyon. It is named after a Soviet Research ship and etymologically means “pearl.”

Deepest Submarine Canyon

Other underwater archaeological finds are from Lake Titicaca, Pavlopetri, Atlit-Yam, etc. Regarding Lake Titicaca, a Roman ship has been found, marble, bronze statues, and an astronomical device. Pavlopetri is the oldest city submerged underwater which has distinct urban characteristics unlike any other. In Alit-Yam village, wells, houses, and skeletons of humans were the underwater finds.


You can see various people make so many unique and unbelievable underwater discoveries. It demands a great deal of effort for humans to observe, analyze and come to conclusions or draw inferences from these discoveries. Besides, it also consumes a great amount of time as providing a detailed explanation of these archaeological finds is not easy. Thus, the mysterious things you marvel at through these discoveries are a product of hard work, time, and money. Moreover, different scientific tools are used to unearth these recent underwater remains from heaps of sediment piled over them. These gadgets make things comparatively easier in these scientific discoveries. You can conclude through these aquatic inventions that there may exist a lot more finds if one has access to the entire ocean floor. You can hope that with further scientific innovations, this can be possible.



Raunak Raj

I’m Raunak Raj, a very keen enthusiast in putting forth my immaculate ideas to further uplift, upskill and update people with my articles. Enjoy Reading!